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Centralized system and LSF logging on a Turing Pi system

Logs are one of those indispensable things in IT when things go wrong. Having worked in technical support for software products in a past life, I’ve likely looked at hundreds (or more) logs over the years, helping to identify issues.

4 turning and 7 chilling

How to keep your cool I’m back again and revisiting the Turing Pi V1 board. This time the focus isn’t on software, but rather cooling. In my previous write-up Pi in the sky?

Pi in the sky? A compute cluster in mini ITX form factor

Overview It’s taken me a while to get the wheels off the ground in 2024 in terms of blogging. This blog idea has been in the works actually for some time.

MNT Reform 2 - part deux

A few days back I posted some of my initial thoughts of the MNT Reform 2 laptop which just recently arrived. I ran the usual battery of tests on the laptop including the High Performance Linpack (HPL) of course just for kicks.

Neunundneunzig MNT Reform(s)

I’ll admit it. I sat on the fence for a long time before placing an order for the MNT Reform 2 laptop. At the time, I was in the market for a laptop as my 2 Macbook Pro retina laptops were repurposed for online schooling for my children during the pandemic (and as it turns out were never returned to me).

10-4 to the Ten64 with Rockstor

I love it when a plan comes together! And this time, I’m not referring to a daring rescue by the A-Team, but rather something just slightly more mundane - network attached storage (NAS).