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Fine tuning AI models with InstructLab under IBM LSF

Overview All the best for 2025! This blog looks back on a demo which I created for SC24 last November to demonstrate InstructLab workflows running on an IBM LSF cluster.

Advanced LSF resource connector configuration on IBM Cloud - part III

Overview This is the third instalment in a series of blogs covering advanced configuration topics for LSF resource connector. The earlier parts in the series can be found here: part I, part II.

Centralized system and LSF logging on a Turing Pi system

Logs are one of those indispensable things in IT when things go wrong. Having worked in technical support for software products in a past life, I’ve likely looked at hundreds (or more) logs over the years, helping to identify issues.

4 turning and 7 chilling

How to keep your cool I’m back again and revisiting the Turing Pi V1 board. This time the focus isn’t on software, but rather cooling. In my previous write-up Pi in the sky?

Advanced LSF resource connector configuration on IBM Cloud - part II

Overview Back in November 2023 I authored a blog titled Advanced LSF resource connector configuration on IBM Cloud - part I. As I signed off in that post, I mentioned that there would be a follow-on post to cover some more advanced configuration topics on LSF resource connector.

Pi in the sky? A compute cluster in mini ITX form factor

Overview It’s taken me a while to get the wheels off the ground in 2024 in terms of blogging. This blog idea has been in the works actually for some time.